Teens experiencing foster care, and those who exit foster care without a permanent home need support, encouragement, and guidance as they make the transition to successful adulthood. Teens in foster care are among the most vulnerable youth in our community. For this reason, LFSRM is serious about helping teens in foster care and their foster families with their transition to independence.
Teens in foster care are just like other kids their age. They want structure, stability, and a loving home environment. Many will safely reunify with their birth families or will be adopted by their foster families or other caring adults. Unfortunately, others leave foster care without the love, support, and encouragement that families provide.
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains is deeply committed to helping teens find family and supports foster families to help teens successfully transition to adulthood. As a partner and resource for teens in the child welfare system, your family can help teens learn important life skills, develop successful habits, and practice increasing levels of responsibility. Families who foster teens have the chance to develop lifelong connections that are essential for any young person stepping into adulthood.
Nationally, only 58% of teens in foster care live with a family and we know that youth who leave foster care without the support of family or lifelong connection experience poor outcomes. You can help teens avoid this negative cycle by opening your home to a teen. To learn more about becoming a foster parent join us at one of our upcoming information meetings or contact us at info@lfsrm.org.
Together we can work together to help Colorado’s teens succeed!