Child safety class


Mission: Empower children through body safety awareness.

This class concentrates on how children and adolescents can protect themselves from any type of abusive or unwanted touch. The program devotes time to the problems associated with abusive situations among family members, acquaintances, strangers and peers – empowering children and adolescents to seek help if threatened or victimized.

What Your Child Will Learn

  • Stranger Rule - If you do not know a person, it is not safe to go with that person.
  • I Am the Owner of My Body - I have the right to say "NO" to any touch, get away, and tell a grown-up I trust.
  • Stop, Walk, and Talk - Discover strategies for handling uncomfortable situations and seeking help.
  • Who to Tell if Abuse Occurs - List trusted adults who can provide support and guidance. This includes parents, extended family members, teachers, school principal, counselor and police officers.
  • Fun Surprises vs. Unsafe Secrets - Never keep unsafe secrets.
  • Some of Your Body Parts are Private - These areas are covered by your swimsuit.
  • 4th and 5th Graders Will Also Learn - Types of abuse and Online Safety

What to Know

Child safety presentations prioritize age-appropriate content and are exclusively centered on childhood safety and abuse prevention.

Our classes do NOT include discussions on:

  • Sex Education
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Religion


This child safety class is designed to teach elementary students essential skills and knowledge to protect themselves from potential harm. We aim to be completely transparent about what is taught to your children. For more information about SafeTouch presentations, please leave a message at 970.356.6751 or send us an email and an LFSRM SafeTouch Educator will contact you.